Sunday, April 27, 2014

Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Recorded Saying Racist Comments Toward Ma...

Donald Sterling, formally known to be the long time owner of the L.A. Clippers has stirred up the worst controversy he has probably seen in his entire career. Sterling and girlfriend V. Stiviano (Picture Below) came into a verbal altercation about pictures Stiviano posted on her Instagram with "friends". But to Sterling these weren't just any old "ordinary" friends, they were African-American, which he called "Black People." Sterling was ranting on to Stiviano about "enjoying the company of black people in private, but not in public where other people could see." The argument continued on leading to the name of one of the so called "Blacks" Stiviano took a picture with, you know, only one of NBA's well known Hall of Famers, Magic Johnson. Sterling went on to say, "You can hang out with them, who cares, just do it in private and DON'T BRING THEM TO MY GAMES!" The point was made clear that Sterling wanted nothing to do with black people coming to his games or being seen with them in public. What was ironic was that Stiviano, Sterling's girlfriend, is half African-American herself. Sterling has received numerous amounts of backlash from celebrities and public figures because of his comments. (More reactions above).

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